
It means that even though we escape into something over our heads, something possibly worse than before, that we are addicted to the feeling of escape and freedom. It’s from Eric Hoffer, the American philosopher and social writer. He was warning against being haste and that often escaping one problem only leads to a larger one.

The unknown is our truest connection to humanity and our ever driving sense of exploration though. To be fair, there are two sides to the coin. There are those which fear the unknown to the extent that living is just a waste of death. These people write the history books though, they do not write history…of the world or of themselves.

Mediocrity is defined when your sense of adventure and discovery is shouted down by your fear of what might be. Fearing hypotheticals has never been a form seen fit to fondle by the great.

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Cody Littlewood



Cody Littlewood - /.codelitt

Rants, raves, & ramblings about technology, innovation, R&D, business, software & building things for the web

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